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Wellness Expert Nikki Sharp Shares Her Favorite Tips and Tricks for Hacking a Hangover

Nikki Sharp is the author of The 5-Day Real Food Detox. She is a model, health and fitness expert, and the founder of a website focused on wellness and living a healthier, cleaner, greener lifestyle.
Nikki shares in her monthly newsletter to her thousands of followers her tips and tricks to managing alcohol consumptions and the effects following the next morning.
Do you know the number one comment I received from people during quarantine?

"I'm drinking wayyy more than usual."
Raise your hand if this was you...🙋
Beat the Hangover with Nikki Sharp
It was interesting that this comment beat out over-eating! I can't say I'm surprised though - we faced (and still continue to) a whole lot of uncertainty when it came to our lives. Overnight everything shifted and it seemed like the best way to manage it was - you guessed it - hitting the booze.

I'm in the same camp as you all. I drank definitely way too much, which is what prompted this newsletter in the first place.

Over the past few months I've been testing products like a mad woman on a mission to understand how to combat cravings, deal with the dreaded 'morning after' lackluster skin, some better booze, and of course a little detoxification. 

It's almost the weekend and I have a feeling at least one of you (okay, me lol) will be imbibing in some type of adult beverage. 

And guess what - THAT IS TOTALLY OKAY!

There is one HUGE fallacy when it comes to living a healthy life, and that is that you "shouldn't" be allowed to drink alcohol.

Guess what - I'm calling a huge bullshit on that.

Alcohol itself is not bad. It's bad when you binge on it, the same as when you binge on food. Remember, nothing is inherently good or bad.

SO - if you DO, maybe happen to want to indulge in a little beverage or two, I want you to follow my tips below to have a healthier drinking session with less regret the next day.

(and yes, these are tips that 100% I follow myself!)
Hangover Hacks with Nikki Sharp and the Lux Glow LED Facial Mask
Tip #6: Do some hard score skin nourishment the morning after. There's nothing worse than having a boozy (and fun night) only to wake up to a face that isn't too happy with you. Since quarantine started I've been using the Lux Glow Skin Care LED mask. I pop it on while making coffee the day after (and well, every day really!) that has different settings to fight acne, boosts anti-aging, and helps promote lympatic drainage. Yes please and thank you. I've seen a noticeable difference in my face since using the mask. Use code NIKKISHARP for 15% off your order.

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